Thursday, September 22, 2016

A Vlog on Resource People

I decided to change things up this week and make a vlog! I didn't realize I could talk that much but I think there's just so much to share!

So this week, we read about cooperative or group learning techniques to use in the classroom. Each of my cohort members were given a group learning method to report on and mine is utilizing resource people in the community!

Watch the video to hear some of my thoughts about guest speakers in the classroom. Sorry the video is too big for Blogger, so you'll have to click on the link to watch it!

Here are some of the articles I mentioned:

For tips on planning for a resource person, Click Here.

For more "what" and "why" as far as resource people in the classroom goes, Click Here.

Also, check out this video about National Teach Ag Day (today!). I got to be a part in this video!

*video credit goes to Victoria Herr

Happy National Teach Ag Day!

1 comment:

  1. Miranda

    I challenge you to upload this to YouTube (create your channel/account) and embed that video in this post!
